Will this work?


We bought our tank used, and it had some fish in it already. 2 of those being clown fish. True Percula clownfish. They are not a mated pair from what we have heard, but they get along great. And even share and anemone. In fact, they never leave it. So, if they are fine in that one together, my husband thought that maybe if we got another anemone and a mated pair that they would totally ignore each other. (it's a 200 gallon tank). Is tis likely or not? I told him it won't work, but he is determined to make it work. What do you think?

payton 350

it may work in a 200 if they stay on their sides of the tank.....others may yell at you and say it will never work but i truly think it's a decision that's up to you...i also believe a few people on here have done it successfully , having two pairs in the tank together


Active Member
Couple of concerns..
First, you can't control where an anemone goes. It may just pack up and go on a walk-about one day and travel across your tank. When it does, your clowns hosting in it will go with them. So their territory will basically move with the anemone.
Be sure if you do this to add only the same species anemone.
It might work, or you might end up with dead Clowns.


I agree with journeyman. Your anemone might move/split and your clowns may come closer to each other than you want. If they were YOUNG and UNESTABLISHED false percula's I would be more comfortable, but these seem like they are established and they can become very territorial. I would not try it with True percs. How long has it been since you moved the tank? If it has been really recently moved they maybe more willing to accept other tankmates. If it were me I would not try it for a few reasons. Mated pair of True percs are expensive($200.00-$400.00) Also many stores would sell your pair as a mated pair because they swim together and get a long. You would need to buy an egg laying pair. Even if you do buy an egg laying pair they may never lay eggs becuase of the other clowns in your tank. Also your clowns that you have now may lay eggs tomorrow, in 2 weeks, or never. There will only be one egg laying pair of clowns in one tank. What can happen is the 2 females will fight for dominace. Since they are both full grown females they may(probably) fight to the death. Males can change --- and become female, but once a female they can not turn back to males. Also do you plan on raising any fry? If you do not it's probably not worth the investment beacuse your clowns now seem happy. Also if you do plan on raising fry it's a lot of work and true percs take about 8-12 months to raise to sellable size. I would wait and see if your clowns lay eggs at some point and then you will have your egg laying pair. How old are the pair you have now? Good luck.