Will This Work


I'm trying to remove some pumps to make my system more efficient. I'm thinking of one pump split to my fuge, return, and skimmer. I don't know how to get the bubbles in the skimmer this way though.
The skimmer is a Red Sea Berlin.
My overflow box has 1-1" U-tube, with a head loss of about 5'.
If this will work, what size pump would push enough to the return and skimmer and still be able to do about 200 gph to the fuge.


Active Member
I'm not familiar with how the Berlin skimmer works so I'm not sure how you would get air into it. If it uses a stand alone venturi then any pump that is pressure rated will work. If it using the venturi port on a pump then you will have to buy a venturi to make it work. A quiet one 6000 pump or a Mag 12should have enough capacity to do what you want to do providing they have enough pressure to make the venturi work. As far as your refugium is concerned I would split the drain rather than use the return pump to send water to it.