Will this work?



I have a 75 gallon that just finished cycling. I am thinking of a niger trigger, a humu humu trigger, and some type of lion or maybe a tang to eat the alge. What's your opinions?
[ June 03, 2001: Message edited by: Stormbind ]


Just to throw my 2 cents in..I have a 75g with a picasso trigger, niger trigger, 1 yellow tang, 1 sailfin tang and a moray eel. They are the best of buddies!!!


hey goldfish e-mail me at nbenn4326@cs.com
I want to ask you some questions
ya i have a golden puffer with a clown and a harlequin tusk and huge 6 inch yellow tang. works great and three blue damsels


My 75 has a snowflake with a niger and picasso triggers. There is plenty of rock work for each to have its own spacce.
The snowflake went in first. One week later the niger was added. The picasso was last.
The picasso and the niger are the same size.
When the picasso was added the niger nipped at him 5 times and then they left each other alone.
This worked because the niger may be the most docile of triggers and the picasso is not far behind and the size was fairly equal.


Che: it looks like you are a big fan of SnowFlake eels...everytime i see you recommend you always do. Could a snowflake be kept with a Maroon Clown and a Dwarf Angel in a 55g tank? Or will the Eel be too aggressive?


I would go with one of the triggers (i like blue throat males), an antenna lion and a snowflake...actually this is what i'm going with!!! :)
i'm also i big fan of snowflakes. the eel might work with the marron clown (as they are semi-aggressive) providing you get a larger one (3" min) and you start with a small snowflake. But be warned all fish/eels are different and once your eel get big he may change is mind about his smaller tank mates...i am also considering a marron clown (they are so cool!) as far as the angel, i personally would pass on the angel if your gonna get the eel but that is just my prefrence.


A niger and a huma huma would work fine in your 75gal, that is if they get along (which they should). However, you would want to steer clear of putting a lion in with them. Whenever I've seen lions with triggers the lion seems to not appreciate the company. Lions are more docile and like to relax, well except for feeding time. Where as your triggers (especially the huma huma) like to swim back and forth all day. This usually annoys the lion and he nips at them. Of course causing no harm, just a get away strike. The lion couldn't really do anything obviously with a bite.
Anyways, the triggs would be fine in a 75 together and the lion I wouldn't put with them cuz of difference in personalities. I would put an eel in with them though. A snowflake would work fine, although I now stay away after my snowflake got out of a nearly unescapable tank. You can't over seal a tank when one of them are in there. I wouldn't put a tang in for obvious reasons like: they are prone to ick when stressed, and a trigger can easily cause that tang some stress.
P.S. The weird thing is, the night my eel got out there were 3 other members who had theres escape. I think it had something to do with the moon but who knows. Anyways, it was strange.........and NO, a 75 gal is not too small for an agressive tank. Just don't put in too many or too large of fish. If you would have said your putting in a large trigger like a clown then I would have said don't do it. But the ones you have picked stay relatively small and will not outgrow the tank if you don't add other fish and keep it that way. That is the trick. HTH and take care. Just my 2cents (which is worth a whole lot to me=)