How do you plan on getting water from the display to the fuge? Powerhead? If so, something that you need to consider is the flow rate of 3/4" tubing. Why not just ditch the siphon, and build a "drain ramp" (couldnt think of what else to call it) on the fuge. Put a powerhear pumping water into the fige at a slow rate. As long as the fuge is higher than the display, and your "drain ramp" (I cant help but laugh at myself for "drain ramp", man I am an idiot) goes into the display, it should overflow right back into the display, plus you fill have a slow enough flow in the fuge. This is what I plan to do with my nano eventually. It basically turns the fuge into a gigantic hang on powerfilter. Plus, you only need one pump to run it, and if power goes out it wont make a mess.