Will thses corals be OK for me? ()


Active Member
i want these corals for my 60 gallon tank. is it ok if i can have them?
My 60 gallon has about 600 watts of lighting (Metal halids)
Bubble coral
Bubble tip anenome
Vivid Green Stylophora
Any color Montipora (possibly red)
Torch coral
Also, How fast do Montiporas grow?
I just did the face in the title so it would get you attention


Active Member
If you have 600 watt MH, you could keep anything you wanted under there. Biggest issue in a 60g would be real estate, and if thats your only thing to think about, youre in good shape :]


Active Member
600w of metal halide is a LOT on a 60g tank. You are going to have to start everything low and acclimate the heck out of it to avoide bleaching. But that said you could keep any coral that requires high light under that. Be wary of low light corals though as they could get fried.
Montipora will grow very fast if your tank specs are ideal. Mine has grown about three inches in 2 months.


Active Member
yes thats a lot of light! monti dont even need that much light. the important things r water parameters and flow.


Active Member
might consider getting a bigger tank
you'll want one eventually anyway. IDK the dimensions of your fixture but you could keep SPS in a 125 under thoose. (and you wouldn't bake you LPS)