Will two pairs breed in one aquarium?


So I'm crazy, but so far it's working. I added a pair of black and white clowns to my 150 that already had a true perc. They stole his magnificent anemone and beat his face in. So I caught him and moved him to my QT. I let him heal up and waited for the black and whites to stop showing any interest in my second anemone (RBTA). So yesterday I decided to try adding the true perc again. At first it was a total disaster, and I broke or knocked over half my sps corals trying to catch him again. Finally I gave up and went to bed. Today when I get home from work the true perc is hosting the RBTA and the black and white percs are leaving him alone. The only problem I'm still having is that the true perc obviously has jungle fever. He keeps going over to the black and whites, trying to get some booty. I was planning on getting him a mate. I did it once before, but she turned out to have ick and caused a huge disaster in my 58. So I know he will instantly accept a mate if it is larger than him. The question is, if I do, will either of them ever spawn with another pair two feet away?


Don't have an answer for you but want to know myself. Have 2 pairs in my 72g, 1 maroon and 1 perc. Been togther for 2 months, each stays on 1 side of tank with their nems.