Will UV kill Benefical Bacteria ???


i asked before and everyone said that i use my UV 24/7 for the best results , i had a 90G tank and i upgraded to a 220G tank , i used the same live rock and water ( most of the 90G) . and its been cycling for 44 days now . can i start the UV now ??? wont it kill any good bacteria in the water???? and i used seachem prime and starter products to speed up the RECYCLING process . and i had many fishesh from the old tank .


Active Member
The simple answer is that UV will kill anything in the water column that pass through the UV unit, it doesn't know good from bad......Did your tank actually complete the "cycle" process?


Active Member
The bacteria that you wait for during the cycle live and grow on the surfaces in the tank not in the water column. They can become suspended and then used as food buy corals so while you run the UV there will not be this benefit. So you can run the UV but remember to turn it off if you are adding a bacteria supplement or any live food that can pass trough the filter.


Active Member
Alters their genetic makeup where they wouldn't reproduce, but again they must pass through the UV...