Will UV sterilizers Hurt Corals or Inverts in any way ???


I have a TMC 600 my on 200G reef tank and i run it around 15-12 hours a day . i want to know that will this hur corals or shrmips or anemones or any other corals or invers ( non fishesh ) ??? and dont want guesses or suggestions , i want real ansers plz .


Active Member
There is no "real answer" to this question because there are many variables to take into account.
The impact of a UV unit on your tank depends on how the unit is set up, how fast water is moving through it, etc.
The use of UV units does not directly affect corals, inverts, etc... at least not the ones that we buy from the store and put into our tanks.
If the UV sterilizer has a slow flow rate through it, it will kill (or prevent from reproducing) any small organisms that pass through. This can affect the population of tiny organisms in the water that filter feeding corals use. However, in most cases, this is not going to have a big impact, and can be easily worked around by feeding to compensate.
The benefit of UV sterilizers on saltwater tanks versus their expense and operational costs is questionable in general. Good husbandry practices, a solid QT regimen, and routine tank maintenance can pretty much negate their use. I used to run UV on all my tanks. Now I do not run them at all, and have never looked back.


Active Member
You didn't state the wattage of your UV system, but it's probably either 60 or 600, so I'm betting 60 since a 600w system would be enormous.
You set your flow rate depending on what you want to kill. If your aim is to get rid of parasites, than you want no more than 5 gph per watt of UV power, or 300GPH for a 60w unit, which is about 1100 liters per hour. Personally, I'd run no more than 1000lph through the thing.
The faster flow rate is okay if you are only trying to suppress algae, but if you've got an algae problem a UV system is not the way to "solve" it anyway.


its a 38 what UV for 600L waters . its a little small for me but still .... how long should i run it ? when should i run it . should i turn it of when using supplements ?


Active Member
If it's a 38 watt unit, you are running water through it almost twice as fast as you should to achieve effectiveness for anything useful.
Most frequently they are run constantly.
UV units do not do have any effect on anything except living organisms passing through it. Supplements are not living, so no, there is no need to turn it off for that. They do not instantly kill either so even if you were feeding live plankton, it won't make a difference.


Active Member
I mean that at such a high flow rate it's not doing anything useful.
What is it exactly that you are trying to accomplish by running a UV unit? The effective flow rate through the thing can vary depending on what you are trying to do with the UV system.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SCSInet http:///forum/thread/382351/will-uv-sterilizers-hurt-corals-or-inverts-in-any-way#post_3337101
I mean that at such a high flow rate it's not doing anything useful.
What is it exactly that you are trying to accomplish by running a UV unit? The effective flow rate through the thing can vary depending on what you are trying to do with the UV system.
To me, this is the real question to get to some helpful information to give you. Or have you gotten the answer you need about them hurting coral and inverts?


I'm trying to prevent ich and kill bad parasties from my water with the UV
qestion: will my UV with my flow do anything usufull like killinmg parasites and preventing ich , and will it hurt any inverts or corals .


Active Member
No, it won't hurt anything, and no, it won't do any good. Parasites passing through the UV unit at that flow rate will not be exposed to the UV radiation long enough to affect them.


Active Member
Agree....Why don't you call the manufacturer and ask abou the flow rate. Each unit will be a bit different, and they should be able to advise what flow rater for parasites/algae issues....