Will you go to Prom with me...?



So anyone have any suggestions on good ways to ask my girlfriend to prom? and please dont say just go ask her. lets hear stories if you have been asked a good way or used a good idea


Originally Posted by NYyankeees
Go to a Cubs/Sox game with her and have them put it up on the jumbotron.

pleas edit the cubs reference out of your post
lol jk
i hate the cubs
but that is a good idea, thank you!


Uh, if she's your girlfriend, why wouldn't she expect you to ask her to the prom? Let's be specific. Is this a girlfriend, or GIRL FRIEND? If it's the latter, then I see why you want to do something out of the ordinary to ask her to go. If that's the case:
You could do a YouTube video of something written out in big letters and send her the link via email or phone text.


Originally Posted by sciknen
do something nuts..how old are u...i say skydive down and ask her.....now thats spontaneous
yes... but im 17
not sure how that would affect it
and yes that would be spontaneous lol

al mc

Active Member
Expensive: Small billboard on a route she drives to school
Practical: Series of one word signs that line the road on her way to school.


Active Member
I have an obvious screwy side to me but you should just ask her from the heart. I am sure she would prefer something heartfelt and sincere rather than flashy.
THEN poke her in the eye with your finger.
Could be 20 years later but she will remember in an instant the time you asked her to prom.....then of course getting poked in the eye. Things like that make any moment memorable and hard to forget.

al mc

Active Member
Originally Posted by ReefForBrains
I have an obvious screwy side to me but you should just ask her from the heart. I am sure she would prefer something heartfelt and sincere rather than flashy.
THEN poke her in the eye with your finger.
Could be 20 years later but she will remember in an instant the time you asked her to prom.....then of course getting poked in the eye. Things like that make any moment memorable and hard to forget.
Ok Reef...So are you married to the person you took to your prom
or does she have an existing restraining order out on you still?


Active Member
If she's already your girlfriend, do you really need to ask her? Isnt that kind of a given that she'll go with you?


ya, i'm with you Dragon, i think you're putting too much work into just a dance. i barely remember my prom and that was (oh man) 8 years ago. just ask her, save your money and splurge on the limo/corsage instead.


Active Member
Originally Posted by KerriAnn
ya, i'm with you Dragon, i think you're putting too much work into just a dance. i barely remember my prom and that was (oh man) 8 years ago. just ask her, save your money and splurge on the limo/corsage instead.
HAHA! 8 years ago! Wasn't there another president back then? j/k
I'm with dragon and kerri, back in my day when we walked uphill to school and back, and the only shoes we got to wear were plastic bags we got from the grocery store... anyways we really didn't 'ask' about prom, it was an assumption. Now if you are wanting to know how to propose to her then we need to talk about being creative.


Active Member
Originally Posted by KerriAnn
i barely remember my prom and that was (oh man) 8 years ago.
I barely remember my prom either because of Captain Morgan. I do, however, remember my date. She was a hotty!!!!
Like the above posters said, you shouldnt have to ask if she is your GF.


I appreciate your efforts; chivalry isn't dead! Even though she is your GF and it's probably expected I think it's great that you want to do something above and beyond what is normal.
Chicks dig gifts, so get a Precious Moments figurine of two people dancing or something like that and attach a note asking her to prom. Funny would be:
Will you go to prom with me? Y or N
Please circle
Of course don't throw out the receipt in case she circles N