wine here: not whine here


Active Member
ok so I was sitting here listening to bethovens 3rd enjoying a decent pinot grigiot, and decided to see what wines my fellow reefers enjoy.
list your year brand name ETC. OR just say yup I like them.


Active Member
Moscato & Malvasia from Bartenura or Baron Herzog wineries.
...Kosher, fizzy and sweet. the only way I can drink 'em.
..i know... sooo poseur.


Active Member
make my own wine and tend to hear from friends and relatives they like it better than other store bought wines. homemade is iMO smoother and less harsh on the palate.


Active Member
i wouldnt consider it poseur to like what you like. it woudl be poseur to say you liked it if you thought it was crap.
like most Cabernet Sauvignon i really dont like most of them, I was offered some at dinner one night and to not offend the host I pretended to like it that was definatly poseur.


Active Member
Originally Posted by spanko
make my own wine and tend to hear from friends and relatives they like it better than other store bought wines. homemade is iMO smoother and less harsh on the palate.
thats great. I love home brew anything, my future brother in law brews very decent beers. have yet to meet someone that brews there own wines.


Active Member
Not really brewing, just fermenting. I make about 150 - 200 gallons per year. That is about 750 - 1000 bottles. We give a lot away to friends family and we have an annual tasting party as well as other parties and of course sitting out on the boat in the summer with homemade Sangria. It is great because you can buy grape juice from suppliers in any kind you want, and in the fall when the picking is on in California there is a place here in Detroit that brings the grapes in and I make some with actual grapes, crushing, destemming, pressing the whole process.


Active Member
you want to sell a bottle? my fiancee LOVES sangria and I would definatly buy a bottle off you if you have one to spare. or maybe work a trade with coral?


Active Member
Hee Hee. Can't sell alcohol without a license. Also the Sangria I make is fresh made with wine, orange juice, rum, a little sugar, and a little 7-up. Added in is a bunch of cut up oranges, lemons and limes.


Active Member
Originally Posted by spanko
Hee Hee. Can't sell alcohol without a license. Also the Sangria I make is fresh made with wine, orange juice, rum, a little sugar, and a little 7-up. Added in is a bunch of cut up oranges, lemons and limes.
correct. but you CAN give it as a gift.
and wow... ReefkprZ might just HAPPEN to give YOU a gift of a piece of coral around the same time!!!
convenient the way that works sometimes.....


2005 Merlot from Columbia Crest. Usually I drink whites, but this was possibly one of the smoothest merlots I have ever had. MMMMMM!


Active Member
actually i have a question. i dont really drink alot of wines because they are always tart or dry and i dont like that. can anyone recommend something that is really really really sweet ?


Active Member
I like a wide variety, but I think one of my favorites is Loius Jadot Pinot Noir (a true burgudy wine). I also like Mondavi Cab Sauvignon, any Pinot Noir from the Russian River Valley in Cali, and numerous Italian reds and whites. I used to make my own wine, too, but after a disaster with the vineyard 4 years ago (17 year cicadas), I haven't really done any.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jennythebugg
actually i have a question. i dont really drink alot of wines because they are always tart or dry and i dont like that. can anyone recommend something that is really really really sweet ?

Dessert wines(like Cherry or Peach), Lambrusco(Red), and White Zin are all considered sweet wines. Then there's water downed wines like Sangria(Wine and Fruit juice) and the cheap knockoffs like Arbor Mist. I can't stand any of these, but my fiance loves Arbor Mist and Sangria.


Active Member
I love vino!! My faves are bordeaux blends.
Can't beat a good red wine, block of havardi cheese, a cigar and good company.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jennythebugg
actually i have a question. i dont really drink alot of wines because they are always tart or dry and i dont like that. can anyone recommend something that is really really really sweet ?

For sweet wine, you would probably like a Sauternes or a Reisling.


Active Member
I had a Rosemount Shiraz Cabernet last night. Made me feel great for about 2 hours and now I've had a headache for the last 9 hours. That means it's good, right?