wish list for a 25g


I am thinking of treating my self to a 25 gallon nano tank for christmas. here is what i would like to put in it.
2 Percula Clownfish :happyfish :happyfish
1 lawn mower blenny
1 fire fish goby
and i cant think of one more fish any suggestions?


Active Member
Yes, you are fully stocked. I'm not sure I'd put more than 3 fish into a 25... you might consider only one clown. In a smaller system like that, they'll may start fighting when the mature.
Good fish list though. Maybe some other inverts like a tube anemone, feather dusters, a pair of cleaner shrimp would be fun...
Oh, and the Blenny may have a hard time getting enough food in that size tank. You might consider another Goby instead... maybe a yellow watchman, etc.
A "shrimp goby" along with a pistol shrimp may be a really cool addition in lieu of the blenny.