Wish list for FOWLR


Please look at my equipment below. I have no filter or lighting as of yet. Looking into one DIY kit for light. 1. How many pounds of LR should I purchase for this tank? 2. How many pounds of LS as well? I going to get RO/DI from LFS my next trip down there (100 Miles) Not so Local fish store. 3. How should I position the two power heads? Placed in the left and right back corners angled slightly at the front of the tank, with some top water movement. 4. Since I don't need really intense lighting what could I use. I even want to check out the premade ones. Not to sure about the Bak Pak any other sugs on different filtering. Trying to stay simple but beautiful. Any other sugs would be greatly app.


Active Member
Another IL reefer! As far as the LR goes, you'll probably want about one to one and a half lbs of LR per gallon. You'll need at least the one pound of LR per gallon to help out with the filtration of your tank.