Wish us Luck...



50 gal tank, 48" long. 1 Whisper w/bio bag (carbon), 1 Whisper w/fluval stones, 1 Skilter (filter and protein skimmer) (same cartridge from the cycled tank), 2 small powerheads, 1 powerhead a bit larger (sorry, no specs), 2 heaters, apx 30 lbs LR, only 20 lbs sand until my Nature's Ocean arrives, 1 small purple tang, 2 small percula clowns, 2 small yellow-tail damsels, 4 hermits, 3 snails.
Please keep advising. Unfortunatly, everyone has moved into my new 50 gal. tank -- not yet cycled. I had to take nearly everything out of the 20 to get at my poor royal gramma that was dying. The levels in the 20 were the same as the the new 50 this morning and afternoon. I'm killin myself with small water changes here, but I really really really don't want anymore deaths. I will not take fish store advice anymore. Horrible way to learn a lesson... I really wanted to do this 50 right... just as you all suggested, but I feel my choices were to take all the fish to the LFS or do lots of water changes in the 50.
I'm praying that I can do this -- even though it is not the right/best way. I plan on 5 gal water changes each morning... and to add the new Nature's Ocean sand slowly -- maybe a pound or two at a time by hand so as to not create a cloud.
Oh, I'm using Cycle. Bad/Good... Terrible, okay?


Keep doing what you're doing..if the tank isn't cycled you're in for a long haul to keep these fish alive.
My first suggestion is to get rid of the skilter -Piece of Sh---. Truly. Get yourself a real skimmer that will work.
The Cycle products isn't going to help or hurt. Your tank will cycle in it's own sweet time.
I would save the money.
More live rock at least 70 lbs more - slowly over time , with a good skimmer you can then get rid of the Whisper filters also. They will just elevate your nitrates over time.
That's all I can think of for the time being. Good luck


Active Member
forget the cycle(the product that is), IMO, it is worthless,a nd does not create stability, it is a quick fix, and all quick fixes are quick, this a product that not only is a quicky, but useless in the fact that it only interrupts what is happening naturally, the ammonia will probably spike, and so on, and this may reduce it, but it does not allow it to finish by doing this, it sets it back, it really should follow through it will even go faster that way, in our first tank, we tried it, and it only seemed to drag on and on and on, because it reduced the ammonia some, in our second tank, time went by like nothing in comparison
and i can't add much beyond what has been said, except good luck, i am actually pulling for everyones aquarium, esp. those that come here looking for help to correct a problem


Thanks. Just woke up... Everyone is okay. I'm about to test my levels and haul about 10 gal of water... Thanks for your support and STICK wit me! Sandy