Wishing everybody early Happy Holidays...


Active Member
Merry Christmas etc etc etc
We'll be heading to Finland for Christmas in a few days and I've got tons of stuff to do... cleaning all fish tanks, getting larger top-off containers for a few, cleaning pumps and skimmers etc. We have our housekeeper coming in daily to feed the fish and our great LFS is stopping by every other day or every 3rd day to make sure that everything is running the way it should.
I'm so looking forward to the first flight that is only 8.5h with 3yr old twins. Total travel time with everything is about 18 hours (one way).
Do you think they'd notice if I had a small whiskey bottle tucked away in my pocket? Maybe

would be a better choice

Anyways I wish everybody great Holiday season and try not to make too many purchases that you regret later :)
Spidey and family


Active Member
Happy Holidays to you too spidey and family! Hope you had a great year! have fun! and buy more fish!

Nissan and family


Active Member
AWESOME place to go for Christmas! BEWARE of the LUTEFISK!!!
thats the traditional christmas dish in that region of the world! Nasty stuff.


Active Member
Hey....a SpiderWoman sighting

Merry Christmas and have a great trip. Your Christmas card just got put in the mail so I guess you will see it when you get back.