Since I didnt know any better, and dont have the room for refug, sump or protein skimmer now anyway, I use a cascade (pen plax) 1500 canister, and since dont have a fuge etc, I keep carbon in there. I wouldnt get the pads they suck. I use the stuff you buy by the lb and have a mesh bag.
I also use a powerhead-rio 800, which I'll be replacing soon since I have heard stories about the rio's
I also use an airstone to also help with movement/aeration.
In any event, if you use carbon, remember it needs to be replaced every 2-3 weeks or so.
Next tank, in my next house, I'll go all out and get a 250 gallon with sumps and fuge etc...
My 60 has been running for about 2 years now with my set up, and I think it only works as good as it does because i do at least bi weekly water changes, and test for everything every few days!