Wobbegong Shark


Active Member
I was skimming through the pricelist a LFS emailed me and came across that they were selling Wobbegong sharks for $250, these were my favorite sharks growing up, so I was curious if anyone keeps these or has had any experience. I don't plan on purchasing it (not for atleast 6 years) but wanted to see if anyone had one.


Active Member
The only suitable Wobbie, to keep, is the Japanese Wobbie. They stay relatively small...but still too big for 90% of fish keepers to manage. And of course...since they're the ones most easily kept, they're also almost impossible to find.
Other than that, you're looking at a 10'+ monster and unless you live in a public aquarium, you're not gonna have room for it.


Active Member
and are you sure its a japanese?? its not easy to tell the difference int he two especially when they aree juvi's.. although their coloration is a bit different i wouldnt trust that this is a orectolobus japonicus( jap. wobbie) im actually willing ot bet on it that it is not a jap. wobbi because they are SOOO hard to get int he trade.
you also need a chiller for this species , along with a species only tank or they will try to eat EVERYTHING.. this isnt a good thign because if they eat somethign to big they get gas in there alimentary tract and then they will float around the tank until they either die or throw up...
IMO this isnt an species for the begginner.. you must watch you dont overfeed.. they fast alot,, they are heard ot get to eat at first.they eat large things like tangs, triggers,eels , sharks, rays etc. etc they are al very unpredictable and will latch on to anythign near their mouths.. this means dont clean your aquarium!
although an awesome shark i dont know why anyone would want one ina home tank?? :notsure:


Active Member
I've just always liked them, I didn't think it'd have to be species only, so I'll probably shy away from them unfortunately. looks like its the standard cat shark for me.

shark bait

Of all the Wobbegong in the trade I only know of two that can be kept with out a large pond. The Ward's Wobbegong and the Japanese. I have very little time in reasech in the family Orectolobidae, but from what I know about the Japanese it should have all the same conditions for a common shark tank over 220G. I have a photo of the Orectolobus japonicus below. Is this the one you speek of? If so I can pull some field notes and give you some ideas. But if your 6 years out, alot can change in research from now to then.


The Wobbie in the that pic -IS NOT a Japanese Wobbie. But instead Wobbie in the pic is actually a Spotted Wobbie.
Japanese Wobbies are darker & a different Pectorial Fin morphology.