Wolf Eel


Active Member
My LFS had a wolf eel available. It wasn't in my original stocking plan but my reseach indicates it will be a good addition. I know they're really dottyback's and not morays but I thought it was awfully cool. Has anyone had any long term experience with these? Anything I need to be aware of or on the look out for?


Active Member
Like Splash mentioned, wolf eels are pretty dang aggressive. Much more than a snowflake, chainlink, goldentail, etc. They will eat anything that they can swallow, but if kept with larger tankmates, they almost always flourish in the aquarium. Bo
I kept a wolf eel for a year. My best way of discribing them is as a very fast grouper with an never ending appitie. Pron to eat ANYTHING that can fit in there mouth and be a general pain in the keester ! I finally moved him to my trigger tank. He never left the bottom due to the triggers would go after him, he got enough to eat but not gorge him self. He went from 6" to 16" in less than eight months. Ohh and they are not afraid of hands or fingers and there bite REALLY stings ! they would be good for a species only tank. IMO


Active Member
Great information! Thanks a bunch!
His tankmates include a picasso, niger, volitans, snowflake (bigger than he is), valentini puffer. Plan on adding a medium size lunare wrasse and foxface in the next few weeks.
I think as long as everyone is bigger he'll be ok and hopefully the triggers will keep him settled.
You are all right about being an aggressive eater. Makes my snowflake look like a nibbler:rolleyes: