Wonderful World of Lion Fish


I have currently become interested in the lion fish family. The particular lion I want is either a pygmy or a dwarf lion. And I would like some personal opinios from the board.
I have a regular twenty gallon tank taht I am trying to do a mini reef in. Currently I have an emerald crab, coral banded shrimp, pepperment shrimp, spotted mandarian goby, three chromas, and a pygmy angel. The corals I have included a variety of mushrooms, and yellow star polyps. Planning on getting some frogspawn, or leather, and some green star polyps. Filtration includes two 125 pengiun backpack, and a 100 powerhead. Lighting is a 65 watt custom sealife.
Please tell me what you think.


New Member
Unfortunately, you will need another tank (or maybe fortunately!). Any lion will get way too big for your tank, not to mention kill most if not all of your livestock. Use it as a blessing and buy tank number 2. At least a 75.
I agree, tanks 2 small and it will make a lunch out of your stock. Lions really belong in an aggressive FO tank of atleast 72 gal, might be able to keep a dwarf in a 55. Where's Lionfish? Need a pro here.

old salt

Sounds like you have the start of a nice little reef tank going. Take everyone's advice and don't try to put a lionfish in there, you'll be sorry you did. Do what I'm doing, save up your dough and buy a second tank, at least 75 gal and go FO (maybe with live rock). Then you can do a couple other fish with the lion....

old salt

If you want to add another fish to your 20, consider something like a clownfish, very cool little guys and reefsafe....


Thanks for the help. I figured that a lion fish would be too big, but I wasn't sure if there was any type of lion that stays quite small. I thought they are fasinating creatures so I decided to look into it.
Any other suggestions on what fish I could add?


try the aggressive forum, theres always a lot of info on aggressives in there.
but I have heard a MIN of 30 gal to keep even a dwarf lion happy.


Not to burst your bubble , but I know Lionfish can sting people , my friend (had) one and it stung him bad , hospital bad , therefore I would not reccomend.


I agree with everybody. It's all wise words. Although the lion fishes are gorgeous, they will sting everything in your tank, corals, other fishes... not purposely but most of the time accidentally. Then... you will be purposely sorry to have put a lion fish into a reef tank. The only thing they add into a reef tank is risk of problems. For me, lions are great in fish only tanks. :eek:


LionFish says.......
Welcome to the wonderful world of lions. By far my favorite fish. Very interesting and entertaining fish. However the bar minimum for a Dwarf Lion is 50 gallons. Even if they are Dwarf, they still get to be about 7 or 8 inches. Not too small. Glad to see that you have decided against it. It would eat all inverts, anyways. They are best kept in fish only tanks. Let me know when you get a big enough tank and I'll help ya out then.