Wondering how affective a cultivation unit would be in a sea horse aquarium


New Member
Although I have been researching saltwater aquariums for a long time i still have a few begginer questions that i need answered before i start my 75 gallon sea horse tank.
1. Would a cultivaton unit be affective in a sea horse tank?
2. What type of corals/plants would be safe to use in a sea horse styled aquarium?
3.What would be the best type of filtration/lighting for this type of aquarium?
Thanks for all the help!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by swnewbie10
Although I have been researching saltwater aquariums for a long time i still have a few begginer questions that i need answered before i start my 75 gallon sea horse tank.
1. Would a cultivaton unit be affective in a sea horse tank?
2. What type of corals/plants would be safe to use in a sea horse styled aquarium?
3.What would be the best type of filtration/lighting for this type of aquarium?
Thanks for all the help!!!

Have you had seahorses before? They are alot of work. Feeding 2-3 times a day by prong. Must have mysis shrimp and little to no brine. They need medium to low light, horizonal flow and are generally ok with most corals. I have about a year of experience with them and I am a slave to them. Fighting gas bubble disease right now. They need pristine water or will get disease