Wondering how much water flow is right??


Flow probably applies to all forums and I'll try this one too. Thanks.
I'm wondering how much water flow my fish, inverts, soft corals, etc. (basically my tank) might like. I have a 75 gal long hex with coral sub but a corner of ls, 30 lbs. Lr and I'm starting some soft corals that 260 watts of compact light will allow. Between my canister filter, protein skimmer and a ph I have 615 GPH. Is it important to turn on/off say the power head some ar just let everything stay on a roll. Thanks


Thanks, I am changing out my lighting this Fri from 80w flour. to compact lighting 260watts. Do you think that much light will help my new yellow polyps grow/spread? I want to get some other low light corals as well. Any sugestions/info?? I use 10 hour days with only my blue 50/50 on for waking up first 30 min, full lighting for main period then only blue 50/50 for last 30 min. for sundown. I use lamp timers to turn lights off/on automatically and feeding times. As I fugure out the water flows I will do the same. I'm not sure wheather to mostly have all power heads on or say maybe 15 min. out of an hour. You have great tanks I saw your sight!