Wondering if this is normal for Nitrate in a Fish Only Tank


Ok here is the low down on my tank 135 gallons tank, 2 perc clowns 1 pink tail trigger, 1 blue throat trigger, jewell damsel,1 maganificent foxface, and 1 yellow tang, clowns and the tang along with jewell have been in this tank for the last 2 1/2 years, the original 4 i call them. never had any problems i have wet/dry filter with protein skimmer, uv sterlizer for equipment. i test my water every week with quick dip test. 0 nitrite ph 8.4 alkalinty between 180 -300. BUT my stupid Nitrates is between at 20-40 ppm. i never had a problem with this tank fish are all doing good i do water changes every 2 weeks. Is this a problem, what can i do to fix it. thanks for your time - u guys have been great with quick responses


im really good about not overfeeding, i feed 3 times a day small portions, fish look great, the eat like crazy, i just wanted to see if there was a way to lower it but i dont want to monkey with my tank to much thats when bad things happen. - Mike PS what does cuc stand for


Well-Known Member
IMHO that level of nitrates is normal.
What is happening is the tank is not consuming nitrates as they are being generated. If you add macro algaes (in a refugium) the nitrates can and will be maintained at unmeasureable levels.
But for a fo tank those levels of nitrates are not a danger to the fish.
my .02

small triggers

Active Member
lol only every now and then,,, i have about a dozen snails, and after about 6 months as there numbers dwindle, i get a dozen more,,,, cheap snack that get some work done while waiting to be picked off...


Don't worry, my nitrates are hovering around 80 in a 100g tank. I have a V. lion (avatar), jeweled moray, goldentail moray, and a stone fish. Working on bringing nitrates down with weekly water changes and it seems to be working.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Noah's Nemo
For a FOWLR,those readings are just fine.
Yeah, nitrates at this level won't hurt fish at all. IMO, this is one of the biggest misconceptions in the hobby. Inverts can suffer, but fish can handle nitrate with NO PROBLEM WHATEVER. It should be fairly easy to keep nitrates at a decent level, say <60-80 (although I know they can go much higher, just trying to avoid arguments) with normal water changes. Like many folks; you may have to do some reasearch on the subject before you believe it. Reefs need low nitrates and this is wrongly preached as gospel for all tanks---it ain't!