Woo check out my Mandarin

reef diver

Active Member
Heres a video of him!

Ill post another later.
Srry the image for the movie did not go through, just click on the "x" and it will go through.


Active Member
Reef, very nice I love mine especially when he "smokes" (expells waste from gills) Looks awesome.
Yours has very bright colors. Thanks for sharing. Barry

reef diver

Active Member
If urs is a smoker, then mine a

stoner!, He loves to hunt in the fallout are where my PH current sorta drops off. Thats where i remove my waste during water changes, he puffs huge clouds of the stuff. But no ill effects that I can see, He doesnt look thin at all?

reef diver

Active Member
All I have to say is that its a monster of a video, but its cool, it shows how they hunt, and how they act. Give it time to load please, ull love it! Well thats ur opoinion, but i hope so!

:joy: :happyfish


Active Member
hmmm!!! he looks familiar,, :notsure: ,,,,oh yeah! i have one,,,nice picture...have a great night....hehehe

reef diver

Active Member
I, sadly dont trust online fish anymore. Personally, you had might as well support a local, and when you buy your fish from your local LFS, you can look at the fish, see how he is doing. Know what is going on. Online, you see a picture of its species, and you never know wether u might get something you dont want. I got my fish at my LFS Proudly! Thanks for the comments everone!


Active Member
When did you buy him? How many lbs of LR do you have in your tank? How old is your tank? Does he eat other food other than pods?

reef diver

Active Member
Nope not in any way skinny, just the angle, and lighting. He eats about 1 copepod per minute roughly, so if there are about 1000 mins per day, thats plenty, especially because he eats frozen food. I researched Plenty before buying, and i plan on buying a bottle of copepods when i get my Humanities grade up. NAd by christmas I will have a mantis tank/refuge.

reef diver

Active Member
And by the way i make sure he gets atleast 5-10 pieces of mysis before the current comes back on. AT LEAST and usually its like 20-30 pieces he gets. he also feastsd on my cleaner's brood when that hatches twice per month. I turn off the lights for 10 minutes, let the brood settle, and lure him to that side of the tank. He just goes peck-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-peck PECK. Trust me hes fine. I check my tank weekly for pod levels by taking out a small rock and checking their amounts. They have dropped significantly since I got him, but recently, the amounts have been consistent.

reef diver

Active Member
Also, check the time on the video, he ate one pod during that video, and it was 1 min long
Look at the picture of the mandarin, its a bit unclear, but you can see the sm dip definition on it, its how their gill contours to their body. When hot883 and i were talking about how they smoke, their gill outlets are partially up top, and their gills take on a very puffed out appearance that makes this area appear "thin"