Wood choices ... what are your recommendations ?

I am going to be building a stand for my new 90g tank. I have already decided to use 4x4 for the legs and double 2x4 for the cross supports. After all that is done, I am going to use MDF for the top (for the tank to sit on) and the bottom shelf. Here is my question:
For the sides that will more or less be cosmetic (if a 4x4 breaks, neither option will survive) I am either going to use plywood or MDF. What do you think ? This stand will be painted black, so stain is not an issue. I believe MDF to be stronger, but what is its ability to absorb poly for waterproofing ? What are your thoughts ?
medium density fiberboard - similar in appearance to particle board, but MUCH stronger and resists disintegration by water.


Active Member
I would use plywood. It will be stronger IMO and even if your painting it black mdf would still look cheap. JMO
And thank for the fans. I don't know if I'll run them on my tank upstairs (noisy)

a&m aggie 04'

Active Member
MDF is pretty dang strong, and wont look bad painted black. Alot of the molding in houses like around fireplaces is MDF. As long as you can use a spray gun MDF will look fine, and its cheap!!!!!!!
That's what I'm thinking. Was planning on doing it "right" and using primer as well. That is going to create a "flat" surface so there shouldn't be any texture on either one. The main thing sticking in my mind for the plywood is (as with any wood with "grain") as soon as either the stain or paint touch it, the little hairs are going to come up. Then I have to sand, and paint,....sand and paint...
So, we got 1 for MDF and 1 for ply ..... let's give it another day or two before I go run out. I am itching to build this !!!

a&m aggie 04'

Active Member
my stand is MDF, i can take a picture of it if you'd like. Ill eventually build an oak stand, but this one was quick and easy.
post away. I'd like to see it. If I was going to use stain, I'd build oak. But, black is black....I am getting custom made cabinet doors for it though. They will be oak. :D

a&m aggie 04'

Active Member
only took about an hour to build, and was actually built for a 55 gallon but i ended up buying a 58-- tank will be moved when i graduate to my place and ill build an oak one but hey, it works and i think cost around $40-- hinges were the most expensive part.

a&m aggie 04'

Active Member
only prob i have with it is seems to get a white dust around the doors, which you can probably see-- other than that looks okay
Thanks. definitely .... gig 'em ags !!!! "You ain't sh$% 'till you have yours boots" ... remember those words young aggie !!! :D
Anyone have a picture of a plywood stand to compare with ?

a&m aggie 04'

Active Member
ohh i wont be getting boots, not in the corp. Dont have to be in it anymore, but ill be getting my ring next christmas!!!!!!
The boots are worth EVERY possible thing that can be done to you !!! Corps of Cadets is a very proud group of "guys". I had a ring made of a single deep garnet stone set in platinum with crushed diamonds formed into the A&M "logo" set into the garnet. 1 of a kind !!! If you have the money and opportunity to design your own ring, I would HIGHLY recommend it. You only get one !!!


Active Member
[QUOTE BY SAMMYSTINGRAY] doubt their tanks leak........it's not that hard to make a tank, and 55s don't even have much PSI. Pressed wood is nothing but trouble around water though.....
I know it will be painted and everything but I just thought you would like to know. And plywood IS stronger than fiber board.


Comming in late, but I would not use MDF for a tank stand. If there is water present it will absord it like a spnge, while the ply is much more resistant. If you want a black piano finish on ply you will have to sand, paint, sand, paint... But, a little grain showing through is not always a bad thing, JMO

a&m aggie 04'

Active Member
i get water on mine all the time, doesnt hurt it. I guess if my tank really leaked id have a prob but the the stand would be the least of my worries.


my experiences with MDF are good for horizontal surfaces. but for vertical surfaces that are under a load will give with time. i would use some type of plywood with a venier of whatever it is u want.


Dear Mike.
I would Not use MDF for the Base or shelf But I would use Ply wood. Any fee standing water will evenuallty seep into the fibers and weeken the borad. Use for sides and and doors. Vertical planes Not Horizontal..


Front Veiw.. My stand is MDF Corver sheets and 2x4 supports with 1x6 cross ribs for support... The key is how you build the stand for rigidness. I would use 2x4 in my opinion... They are plenty strong enough .. 4x4 are overkill.. Let room in stand also,,, 2x4 is all I used for support on this 150 tall.. The tank sits 72" from canopy to floor..