Woohoo! Friday! And....NEW TANK DAY!


Active Member
Well, my new 100g is supposed to be in today. I am going to make my 60g into a sump/refugium, by sectioning it off.
It is going to be a reef tank. I am moving the contents of my 60g over to it - 3 green chromis, 1 tomato clown, 1 leopard wrasse, 1 lawnmower blenny, 1 cleaner shrimp, various snails and hermits, 2 BTA's, 1 sand star, 3 green ricordia mushrooms, a cluster of metallic green star polyps, about 60 lbs of LR, and all the sand. Of course I am getting more LR and Sand. I am thinking maybe Mag 12 for a return pump, returning through a spraybar. I am thinking of getting a couple of tangs (at least one). Anyone have any suggestions on anything else to add?
I am thinking of 2 - 250w MH 10,000K, and 2 VHO Actinic for lighting.
This is what I envision my sump looking like:


Active Member
That is just a rough sketch...not to scale. I will have more fuge space than it shows there.


Active Member
Well you have a fun weekend ahead. Don't you love projects like this. Will be a lot of work, but totally fun. Better than cleaning out the garage, or replacing the front doors.
As a matter of fact, do you need some help. I will bring the Michelob. :cool:


an extremely easy way to section off your 60 is to get a couple of those 12 or gallon or largerj rubbermaid containers and just sit them in there...drill a hole in the side and then section off the pipes/tubes from the overflow and let them go into there...
thats what i did for my 75...works very well with little work