workhorse 7 & pc's


i have 2 wh7 running 2 96 watters each.
little warm, i had to elevate them a bot off the glass lid and run a fan under them on the hottest days a couple weeks back, but otherwise they run beautifully.


I'm holding off on the pc's for now. At 30-40 bucks a bulb + sockets, i'd be looking at another 100 bucks to get pc's. Next month maybe.


i'm havin a hard time finding any vho's at my lfs. they are only stocking pc's and no's. I did pick up 4 30 watt lamps though. Got an 18000k, A 50/50, an actinic, and 1 other... brainfart.
It seems pretty darn bright now, very blue also.
As far as the pc's go, I'm gonna have to hold off a bit due to the fact that i'll need another workhorse ballast if I want to run more than 2 36" pc's. @ 96 watts a piece, only 2 will run. At least with the 30 watters, I can get a variety of light spectrum.


not sure about PC's but my workhourse drives my VHO just great. I would go the VHO route before I would do the PC's. Not much difference but VHO is slightly better looking when compared to PC's with the true 03 actinic. I have both and no question the VHO looks slightly better. If you can't find the VHO locally go online as it will be cheaper anyway and you'll get what you want.