worm id? peanut worm good or bad?

Just bought new rock and found some bristle worms wich i think are going to be good for my deep sand.?.
Then I have a larger brown slimy worm that retreats in a hole. I think it might be a peanut worm and i cant find to much info on them.
-are peanut worms good or bad?

and im gonna start a reef tank
24 gallon jbj nano cube dx
Is this going to be safe for the reef i'm going to start. I dont want it to eat any of the corals. I found some other bristle worms that were very red with almost transparent bristles that i couldn't get. I've heard mix things about them.


Active Member
out of the thousands of species of bristleworms very few are harmful to corals. the majority are great clean up crew members ...unless you see them actually eating corals i wouldn't worry at all.