Worm ID Please


Active Member
I spotted this guy a few weeks ago in my colt coral and it dissapeared before I could get a pic. Well it's back and is in the same spot on the colt. Anyway, I need to see if he's good or bad.


shrimpy brains

I don't know!
Doesn't seem to be harming the colt, but I don't like his pointy little head.


Active Member
Any chance you can remove him? Are you able to see wide spaced single bristles?
Go to the Polychaete - Syllidae in the link below and see if it could possibly be that guy. Sometimes those little bristles aren't so easy to see unless he's "stood up" like in the pic.


Active Member
Thanks. I can pull him out because when it comes out, it always seems to be in the same spot on the colt coral.
Plus I added your link to my favorites.


Active Member
If you blow up the pic, you can see the spaced single bristles.

I hope to add to the guide soon. I'll be getting some new LR when we move and will buy it unopened from the wholesalers.... that stuff is LOADED with critters.


Active Member
I will take a good look tonight to see if I can see the bristles. I may also remove it to just be safe.