Worm-like Creature


I just saw a worm-like creature in the water that kind of reminded me of an angle worm on land. It was very, very long and narrow and could stretch itself out even longer to get to another rock. I didn't know if it was harmful or not so I left it in.
What is it and will it eat my coral?


I was just looking in my tank and i saw a small one of these (i think it was this) slithering partially out of my LR - what is it?!!?


i have lost all my small snails (4). DO you think that it could have killed them. I mean i test my water every week and my numbers have been and are perfect.
It's kinda weirding me out because i only see at most 3/4 of an inch at him, and thats when i feed my fish at night - but within 30 seconds he sucks back into the rock and i dont see him again until the next day.
to be safe should i remove it? I have no corals.


Sorry, it took me so long to respond. I had forgotten I had posted this topic. It's a b!tch getting old but yeah, that's what it looked like. I've been seeing more and more tiny critters in my tank. Lots of copepods which I understand are fishies food.


Good question VSecret. I've lost three of my snail too and I don't understand it either. Do you have enough algae? The right kind of algae for them? Frankly, I'm not sure what kind of algae is best for them.


im thinking i have the right kind of algae. I have a very large snail and he's happy as a clam (no pun intended) but yeah i thought at first it was my hermits that were killing them, but then i realized it wasn't, so i figured it was because they were calling off the glass and landing upside down and couldnt right themselves - but no I'm a little weary of this creepy worm thing lurking in my live rock.
so to make a short story long....I'm not sure if i should remove the worm?
any thoughts?


Leave the worm be. It's a harmless bottom feeder. And dont even think about touching it. It'll feel like someone shoving pins in your fingers.


Thank you! I have been stressing over it for the past 2 nights. I will take your advice and not touch it, not that i was thinking about it anyways :)