Worm problems in coral. Please help!!!!


Active Member
I have a 29 bio cube with corals in it but I'm having some problems. Everytime at night my starburst polyps have a bristle worm or a flat worm. I really don't know the difference. But I know they are bad. I have a sixline in the tank but idk if it would take them out. What should I do to take them out? Or should I leave them there?


Active Member
Is it longer with little 'spikes' (bristles) coming out of it? Or is it small and 'flat'? Flatworms aren't good, but I wouldn't worry about Bristle worms. You could google chucks addiction and go through the hitch hiker section to find out which it is.


Active Member
u can either leave it as they are apart of the cuc..or u can take them out..but if u've seen one u problaby have many more...
Is the worm killing anything? If not leave it in there. Bristle worms are fine, they're a good part of a clean up crew.


Active Member
yea i saw a couple of them. im just gonna leave them there. i saw one of them eat the uneaten food. what about the white worms thing looking?


I have a good amount of bristle worms in my tank to. i do not see them much. When i was removing my CC and replacing it with Sand I found alot of them. I found the most where there was low flow when i tool the CC out.


Active Member
the more left over food u have the more u will see so try not to over feed and u should be fine..i use to have a ton in my old 24g cuz i like to over feed..as soon as i started cutting down on the amount of food i put in i noticed a decline in worms i saw..


Active Member
Originally Posted by nissan577
yea thats were i find them also. but whats with white worms?
Are they long white worms (clear almost) that hide in the rock? If so, I have some of these too. I see them come out and grab something, then retreat back into the hole. I have not found anything that has said they were bad and they have not hurt anything in my tank.


Active Member
tube worms, bristleworms, and flatworms. none of them are something to be screaming "help" about. actually, the tube worms and bristleworms are part of your free cleanup crew. the flatworms are not. they are predators of your pod population. their numbers will come and go depending on food availability in the tank.
no sweat!