


I was cleanin my tank today and in one of my rocks I found a little worm, no kidding, it looked just like a normal worm you find in the garden or fishing. Light in color but worm color. It moved like a worm too. I didnt get a picture of it though. Kinda freaked me out, didnt expect it. Any ideas at what kind it is? Know of any sites I could go to to check out pics?? to see if I can compare it? Thanks in advance for any ideas.
Some one mentioned that it may be a fire worm>>?? what do they look like?


Ok lets say the bristle worm is

?!!?! no bristles. THen it'd look like a regular worm right? That'd be what it looked like. Whats the peanut worm look like? Thanks


I am not sure what peanut worms look like, but if it is a bristle worm dont touch it with bare skin...it will burn the ---- outta you...


Originally Posted by TeraSparrow
I am not sure what peanut worms look like, but if it is a bristle worm dont touch it with bare skin...it will burn the ---- outta you...
hmmm... i only touched it with the toothbrush that i was cleaning the algae off the rocks with. but it wiggled like a worm when i did. this is quite bizzarrrrrrr
I just recently found out I have bristle worms in my substrate. I saw one come out of the substrate late at night when I looked with a flashlight. You can see the several legs looking like "bristles" on it. Then I looked at the other smaller red lines you can see in the substrate. Are these good? Are they bad? If they are bad, how do you get rid of them?


Active Member

Originally Posted by gman20001969
I just recently found out I have bristle worms in my substrate. I saw one come out of the substrate late at night when I looked with a flashlight. You can see the several legs
looking like "bristles" on it. Then I looked at the other smaller red lines you can see in the substrate. Are these good? Are they bad? If they are bad, how do you get rid of them?
If it's legs
you see these are probably small brittle stars which are beneficial. They will hide their body in the rock and extend a few legs to catch stuff as it floats by. If they were, in fact, bristle worms they, too, are beneficial. In either case don't get rid of them.
My CBS tears bristle worms into little peices and eats them.