Worms, I think!


I have found these reddish or pinkinsh looking worms in my crushed corral What are they and how do I get rid of them? They are fast too! They seem to live under the crushed corrral and you can the tunnels they leave through the glass.


Active Member
sounds like bristle worms, they are good for your tank, they eat detritus, they do not harm anything but don't pick them up they will release their bristles in your hand.



Originally posted by The Claw
Definaltely a good thing. Its one sign that your tank is doing good.

Where do they come from? I primarily have a corral bed mixed witha little sand. Do they tend to live in that?


they live everywhere in the rocks, sand, cc ,filter pads, and prefilter sponges. pretty anywhere they feel safe they will reside.
where they come from is corals on rocks, rocks, established sand or cc. but all in all they are good things to have. just dont touch those little things they hurt.