Worried about a friend


Active Member
My friend just got some corals and an anemone, but i'm not sure he has everything he needs. He doesnt have any powerheads, or a T-5 lighting fixture or anything like that. He says that he has enough flow from his filter and protein skimmer but there isnt a lot. He bought some coral lights for them and they seem to be doing fine for now but his anemone has some shortened tentacles. Is he doing this right? Is the anemone supposed to be doing that (its a rose bubble tip by the way)?


Bah! Anemones need a lot of light (although BTAs aren't nearly as picky or needy as other types) and they def' need more flow then a PF and skimmer will create. They also should only go into a well established tank (6" months).
What is the light exactly?
What size is his tank and how long has he had it?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Lecithin
Bah! Anemones need a lot of light (although BTAs aren't nearly as picky or needy as other types) and they def' need more flow then a PF and skimmer will create. They also should only go into a well established tank (6" months).
What is the light exactly?
What size is his tank and how long has he had it?
His tank is 55 gals and he has had it for 2 years now. Not exactly sure what kind of lights, he just said "Coral Lights" but they give off a puplish color. Hope that helps. He put the BTA under the protein skimmer to give it flow.