Worried about Sailfin Tang in QT


Active Member
I have had this Sailfin Tang in QT for 5 days now. He is just hovering along the bottom slowly moving around the tank. I fed Algae sheets and a couple of days ago, he was very interested. Today he did not touch them this morning or this evening.
I fed a little regular food and it did not appear that he at that either. 2 days ago I fed Emerald Entree and he at a little.
Anything I should do?
T: 76
SG: 1.025
Amm: 0
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: 10
pH: 8.0


Im in the same situation. My tang started eating yesterday but now will not all day today, but Im treating with copper so maybe this is why. I'm using garlic extreme to try to stimulate and ginger root but nada I going to go tomorrow and get some different foods to try cyclopese ect..Did you just get him/treating him? I would raise the ph a little>baking soda
I wish I could tell you more. I'm pretty new to the salt water world but hopefully others will chime in and help out. I think we get more stressed than our fish when their not well. Well take care and best of luck for your tang hope all is well soon. :)


Active Member
Did you drip acclimate it? Are there any other territorial fish, such a a yellow tang? Have you measured the water parameters each day? It is not uncommon to have an ammonia spike after a new fish is added after a couple days, due to the new bio-load. Do ou turn the lights off at night to give it a chance to relax and rest?


Active Member
in your pictures it looks like the Sailfin is almost looking for food. have you tried garlic.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mantisman51
Did you drip acclimate it? Are there any other territorial fish, such a a yellow tang? Have you measured the water parameters each day? It is not uncommon to have an ammonia spike after a new fish is added after a couple days, due to the new bio-load. Do ou turn the lights off at night to give it a chance to relax and rest?
The fish is in quarantine by itself. It was drip acclimated for 1.5 hours. He ate well the first 3 days and then nothing for the past 2 days.
Originally Posted by Culp

in your pictures it looks like the Sailfin is almost looking for food. have you tried garlic.
There are algae sheets in the tank. He was also fed this evening with the fish in the DT.


Active Member
My sailfin was VERY picky on trying foods other than flake that he probably never had before.... now I can hand feed him...
Funny thing is the last food he would take was mysis -- which I would think would be the first.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by jpc763
I have had this Sailfin Tang in QT for 5 days now. He is just hovering along the bottom slowly moving around the tank. I fed Algae sheets and a couple of days ago, he was very interested. Today he did not touch them this morning or this evening.
I fed a little regular food and it did not appear that he at that either. 2 days ago I fed Emerald Entree and he at a little.
Anything I should do?
T: 76
SG: 1.025
Amm: 0
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: 10
pH: 8.0
I would raise the temp to at least 80, even freshwater tropicals like 78

florida joe

Well-Known Member
IMO the reflection from the bottom of your QT is disorientating your fish. If at all possible put some black paper on the bottom of the out side of your tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by shawna1972
How's the little guy doing?
He did not make it.

I just don't understand. He was at the fish store for 2-3 weeks and eating nicely. I put him in QT and for the first 3 days he is eating. After that, he stops and dies.
So far, my "new" QT is 1 live vs. 3 dead fish


Active Member
Originally Posted by Culp
how long has your QT been set up for?
This QT since Feb. The water was from the DT. The 4 pieces of LR were from the DT.
When a fish is in there, I test for Nitrate, Nitrite and Ammonia daily. Never had a reading for Ammonia or Nitrite (after original cycle) and Nitrate was neve above 10.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jpc763
I have had this Sailfin Tang in QT for 5 days now. He is just hovering along the bottom slowly moving around the tank. I fed Algae sheets and a couple of days ago, he was very interested. Today he did not touch them this morning or this evening.
I fed a little regular food and it did not appear that he at that either. 2 days ago I fed Emerald Entree and he at a little.
Anything I should do?
T: 76
SG: 1.025
Amm: 0
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: 10
pH: 8.0
sorry if i duplicate anyones response i didn't read them all..
bring your ph up to a 8.3 and temp to 79-80
low ph alone will stop a fish from eating..
keep up with the emerald entrese and the algae sheets daily .. if you happen to have any macro algae in your sump or main tank i suggest adding some of that to his qt for natural grazing