Worried about toadstool.


Hi everybody.
I bought a toadstool yesterday and at my LFS it had a deep brown color with polyp extention. They had it under MH at the bottom of the Display tank. I brought it home and acclimated it for 2 hr. I put it halfway up in my tank and it started turning a florecent green color and the stalks on it became a little limp but the body still feels firm(like a toadstool should ya know?). I thought it might be getting burnt and moved it to the bottom. It looks the same today.
I did search here and it is slouging off a clear coating and I have it in a higher flow to help it along but my major concern is the GREEN color, is this normal. It does not smell rotten and is not showing tissue necrosis. It is probably just stressed but I need some reassurance.
My tank specs are:
46g bow front with 192 watt PC.
PH -8.3
temp-82.3(never below 80 or above 83)
Any help would be great


Your lighting is at 4 wpg and your leather may have been used to a higher wpg. Mine took about 1 week to get used to it's new home and the feelers didn't even come out until then. I don't know about the green color though. Also, I keep my calcium level at at least 450 - do you use a calcium additive?


Hi K8eydid.
I know they take a little while to acclimate, my only concern IS the green color. Some people said their toadstools took nearly 3 weeks to feel at home. I have started driping kalk very slowly but calcium is not important with toadstools and the only other corals I have is a rock with 50+ zoo polyps and some yellow polyps and a single red shroom and all are doing great.
What is that green color all about??:notsure:
Thanks for your reply.
It does not smell rotten and is not showing tissue necrosis. It is probably just stressed but I need some reassurance.
Sounds like it is acclimating to your tank and nothing serious or requiring action on your part. In fact I would advise the opposite. Put it where you want it to stay permanently and leave it alone.
As long as it the coral that is gaining the green color, not something covering the coral turning green, I wouldn't worry.


Thanks SiF
I moved it back to where I was going to keep it and will leave him alone. I was worried I was burning him because I expected him to slough off the mucus but the green color threw me for a loop.:) :rolleyes: Any ideas what the change in color is????:notsure:
Unless no one else has anything to add I will repost in a few days as to how he is doing.
Thanks everyone, as always you have been very helpful.
:) :) :) :nervous:
Its anyones guess why it appears more green in your tank. It could be that you have more actinic light in your tank and the green in the leather just shows up better now. If you were "burning it" I would think that the color would go whiter or more pale (not white just lighter). I would think that going from MH to PC would cause the opposite unless the LFS tank was very deep or the MH bulbs were old. Either way with good water quality it should adapt and be fine.


Well, It doesn't just look green, it more like turned green. As soon as I put it in my tank I could see green spots forming and eventually turned all green. It did have a green hue to the center at the LFS but nothing like this. Wierd. I will just keep my eye on it. I'm sure it will be fine.


I am going through the same thing right now. Did you ever figure out what it was? Did your toadstool get better?


I just got a LTS over the weekend, put him on the bottom of the tank. It seems to be doing well with MH 250w 10,000k lighting. I did not turn the lights on or PHeads for 2 hours after it acclimated for almost 3 hrs. ?-do I have to spot feed the toadstool or will weekly water changes be good enough along with some buttom polyps and a Cat's eye. I want to keep this tank pure , just like Major League Baseball.