Worried about yellow Tang


New Member
This morning when I went to feed my fish, I noticed that my yellow tang had kind of redish orange blotches on it. I did a quick check of the water to see if everything was on the level and it was. The tang ate like it usually does and acted fine. I was just wondering that when I go home and it is still there what might be wrong???

mr . salty

Active Member
My tang has large brownish blotches on each side,and a white line down his side every morning.This is normal,It happens when their matabalism slows when they sleep......STEVE


Staff member
The "blotching" is normal while the lights are out, or before the fish has a chance to fully wake up. However, any reddish or orange colors that don't go away, needs to be taken seriously.
Because tangs are sold color and light yellow, sometimes it is difficult to pick up on problems.
Give all your fish a once over with a magnifying glass at least once a week.