worried bout frogspawn please help


i bought a beautiful frogspawn yesterday,brought it home put it in my tank and it shriveled up(no concern there).Today however the polyps are really really recesed and covered in like a purlpe moss substance and have string like stuff coming from them.are they dying? when i bought it the polyps were out and full.anyone please help?


Active Member
I agree with reefreak29, it's a big waiting game at this point. I know the perimeters of my own tank, which usually match with the perimeters of the LFS I buy my corals from, as to elimnate undo stress--talking mostly PH and temperature. Your frogspawn is adjusting right now.


Active Member
same happened to me ... its gone
it looks like brown jelly stuff, comes out it strings, then nothing but white scel.


Also don't feel bad I killed one once and I have perfect lighting and water parameters and the crazy thing died anyway. The only coral I have killed?


my bubble anemone did the same thing it turned completely inside out were it look like just brown jelly like stuff coming out of it but the tentacals on the other side were still moving i didn't know if it was dead or not so i just toke it out the tank because i didn't want it to create a big problem


Active Member
Do you have a smaller tank you could fill up with display tank water to put it in to be sure? Hate for it to die when you weren't home and foul your tank.


ok i took it out and smelled it and omg it gaged me,smelled like a decaying fish,so im asuming dead?if it is did it damaged my main tank?


well discovered the problem,took the spawn back to the store along with some water to test.i use hydrometer(not anymore)ive kept my tank at 1.025,but they tested 1.030.when i put in the frogspawn i had some evap,and it read 1.028 but it was really 1.033
.but at least he said to get it back under control and he will replace it.my alk was a bit high to.


Active Member
Also, did you take your time acclimating it? Expecially when I'm not positive of my levels, I make sure to do a very long acclimation process just to help cover my butt if a level is off.


Active Member
Sorry to hear. At least the LFS is cooperating nicely. It's nice to see people out for the hobby and not just money =).


yeah this guy is great everything that i have i have gotten from him very helpful and always checking to make sure things are going well.And i figured since it was more or less my fault he would charge me for another,but he is holding one till im ready free of charge so i think ill stick with him lol