worst nightmares


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doing some weird surfing/wave running/ skiing in the waters of the arctic and getting pulled under a big ice chunk and drowning to death!


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ya ive had dreams ive gone to school w/o and u can see the huge scar my damned cta gave me, thank god that ones dead


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Being in a meeting with eight customers and a co-working. While you writing on the white board your suit jacket is going up and down. You turn around and the co-worker is gone. Few minutes go by and another co-work comes in and calls you over to the side. Then he tells you, the other guy is running around the office laughing and telling everyone your suit pants are split. Then I reach down and verify the accusation was true. My only response was - everyone needs to thanks their lucky stars I was wearing underwear today.
Wait that wasn't a nightmare, that happened. Nightmare just same -LOL


Originally Posted by zman1
Being in a meeting with eight customers and a co-working. While you writing on the white board your suit jacket is going up and down. You turn around and the co-worker is gone. Few minutes go by and another co-work comes in and calls you over to the side. Then he tells you, the other guy is running around the office laughing and telling everyone your suit pants are split. Then I reach down and verify the accusation was true. My only response was - everyone needs to thanks their lucky stars I was wearing underwear today.
Wait that wasn't a nightmare, that happened. Nightmare just same -LOL
:hilarious Are you serious?


Originally Posted by zman1
Yeah, about 15 years ago. Nothing has topped that since, thank god....
lol I would have been the co-worker that let you finish your presentation before pointing it out


Active Member
Originally Posted by sepulatian
lol I would have been the co-worker that let you finish your presentation before pointing it out

Yeah, his lame excuse for leaving and not saying anything was to keep from busting out laughing in the meeting. So he says, he was trying to find someone that could come in with a straight face and tell me - LOL
We were friends before and still are today..


Originally Posted by zman1
Yeah, his lame excuse for leaving and not saying anything was to keep from busting out laughing in the meeting. So he says, he was trying to find someone that could come in with a straight face and tell me - LOL
We were friends before and still are today..
lol That is too funny!
With friends like that who needs enemy's right? :joy:


Active Member
Originally Posted by Sharkboy13
ya ive had dreams ive gone to school w/o and u can see the huge scar my damned cta gave me, thank god that ones dead

What's a cta?


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Originally Posted by teamsleep
Listening to Fran Dresher laugh for 3 minutes and 37 seconds.

I can't stand her nasal voice!


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Some of my worst nightmares have been about loosing my teeth in a grotesque fashion and nursing homes...they scare the hell out of me.


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Working at a fish store the day after "Finding Nemo" came out. Can't decide if it would be worse if Perculas were in, or out of stock.