Worth the risk??


Active Member
So I've been contimplating going from 3 tanks down to 2. I wonder if anyone has tried this or thinks it may work.
So I have my 75g tank with 6 Yellowbelly Damsels, a Sgt Major, and a 30" Dragon Moray in it.
I also have a 240g (8'x2'x2') with the following:
1 - Azure Damsel
1 - Yellowbelly Damsel
1 - Fiji Blue Devil Damsel
1 - Starkii Damsel
3 - 4 Stripe Humbug Damsels
1 - Javanese Damsel
1 - Maroon Clown
1 - Flame Angel
1 - Majestic Angel
1 - Kole Tang
1 - Yellow Tang
1 - Blond Naso Tang
1 - Aust Harlequin Tusk Wrasse
1 - Red Sea Green Bird Wrasse
1 - Red Coris Wrasse
1 - Red Sea Lunar Wrasse
1 - CC Starfish
1 - Large Snowflake eel
1 - Brazilian Golden Moray (AKA Banana)
Besides the Damsels all fish are 4" and over and most are 7"+.
If I were to get rid of the SFE and the Golden Moray, what would my chances be with adding the DME and other Damsels that he would not go on a Crusade to eliminate everything in the tank?
Some of the fish that he has been kept with in the 75g without incident:
Copper Banded Butterfly - used to eat aiptasi - returned to store when done
Flame and Majestic Angel - while in QT - angels bullied him
Broomtail Wrasse - Never seem to bother each other
Kole Tang - The eel fooled me here and went right for him and ate him 10 minutes in the tank.
So anyone have any info on keeping a DME in a large community tank?


I don't know but I always read stories of DME eating other fish. They don't seem like community fish to me. I bet it'll eat your damsels and some of the other smallish fish you have.


Active Member
Thanks guys. He lives with 7 damsels right now and doesn't give them a second look.
The only fish he has went after and hunted down was the Kole tang and based on the old Hawaiian legends that the Kole was only a food fish or Royalty and no one else was allowed to eat them and since the DME and Kole are from the same region it may his favorite food and he may have learned to target them in the wild.
Just a thought anyway.


Good one man. That DME is awesome ! I would love one. How is that Aussie doing -? I just got one, two weeks ago.


I found in this hobby there are always exceptions. So maybe you have a more docile DME. Still a risk... I guess the question is would you be really upset if it ate any of the fish from the 240gal.

crypt keeper

Active Member
roll eyes arent needed. Harley you know your own fish better than we do. If you feel its safe to try then try.
I have a 15 inch Fimby that ate my 3 inch coral beauty. Dont not think for one second that a 30 inch DME cant eat a 10 inch fish without issues


Active Member
There indeed seems so be some issues with 'middle' ground fish and Dragons. Chances are that a Dragon could careless about a little damsel he probably couldn't catch anyway, while at the same time, large fish are going to be too much of a problem and/or risk of personal injury. But fish in that 3"-4.5" range are prime for food. Depending on how few fish are in this range, would be the determiner for me. I'm not saying fish over 5" are safe, I just think the eel would just wait for an easier meal.


Active Member
I know, I know....probably will never try it...but wish I could.
Besides, he looks peaceful enough doesn't he?


Originally Posted by crypt keeper
roll eyes arent needed. Harley you know your own fish better than we do. If you feel its safe to try then try.
I have a 15 inch Fimby that ate my 3 inch coral beauty. Dont not think for one second that a 30 inch DME cant eat a 10 inch fish without issues
just saying that i would never try it. I know Harley is very experienced in saltwater, just giving my own opinion.

crypt keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by Saltman23
just saying that i would never try it. I know Harley is very experienced in saltwater, just giving my own opinion.
Nothing wrong with giving an opinion. Did ya notice I only made a remark to your roll eyes and not what you said?

crypt keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by 95Harley http:///forum/post/3060987
I know, I know....probably will never try it...but wish I could.
Besides, he looks peaceful enough doesn't he?
God lord look at that mouth! Those teeth and that mouth look like they would take a hand off. Man is he gorgeous. You know anybody trying to unload a whiter one?


Active Member
All the years I kept my DME, he never looked twice at any other fish in the tank...and he was with everything from angels to triggers to puffers to other morays, etc.
If he's not bothering the Damsels, it's a decent bet that he'd leave other fish alone.