Would (2) PH be alright for these fish?


I am thinking of getting two maxi jet 1200s for my 120. Will these fish enjoy or not enjoy them?
Emperor Angel (juv or adult)
Pair of Clowns (not sure which ones, maybe Clarkkis or Black Saddled)
Porcupine Pufferfish
Feather Dusters
Thanks for the help!


I have two hagen 802 on top (one on each side) to create surface agitation, and 2 maxi 1200 about 1/3 from the bottom of the tank (one on each side). Doesn't seem to bother my fish. IMO, more PH reduces dead spots in the tanks. There are spots where there is alot of circulation and my fish always love to swim in that one spot.

mr . salty

Active Member
The point with powerheads is to create circulation and eliminate dead spots."dead spots" are areas where there is no circulation,or stagnate water...Dead spots are bad because detrius and excess food tend to gather in the spots and can cause water quality problems.Your tank(120) should have more than just two powerheads.You really need at least four...