would a pH sticky be useful?



i was thinking of writing a sticky for pH. i'm sure that most aquarists don't know much about pH, and i couldn't really find anything in the archives to describe what the term means. i'll spend some time writing a little something for the archives, if people are interested. Topics covered would include: what the numbers mean, how the scale was developed, how the numbers on the scale relate to each other, some acid-base chemistry, pKas, Kas, Kws, water properties, h-bonding, etc.
...so if enough people respond to this thread and think that it would be useful, i'll make a write-up.


If you have the knowledge and the time go for it. It will deffinately help some people out. The archives need it.


Active Member
I could use a refresher. You thinking technical or something like the "bank account" alk, cal, mag thread?


Active Member
no idea what ph actually is, except i think it has something to do with hydronium? (IDK i dont pay attention in biology) so it would definately be helpful!


it would like to do it technically. it may not be critical for every aquarist to know the exact chemistry, but i think a general understanding would benefit all of us. sounds like i'll do it.


may not be able to be stickied but if its in depth enough and explained in laymans terms and understanding the mods can vote to put into the archive section. just be sure to be thurough and complete any unknowns need to be backed up in some way on how you got that information.
good luck cant wait to read it.