would a regal tang go good with my 180 gal. reef. i need answers pls


Hey i have had a 180 gal. reef tank for a long time. I have been adding fish to my tank slowly but surely. I have 4 tomato clowns, diamond goby, yellow tang, coral beauty, fairy wrasse and a royal gramma. I was wondering how a regal tang would go in the tank. The only thing i worry about is how the yellow tang and the regal would get along? also would the regal both the pepermint shrimp i have? if u have and answers to this or have any comments pls respond


I really need some replys because i have no idea what is right or wrong with a regal tang b4 b/c o have never delt with one. so any of you who has had a regal b4 will u pls give me ur opinion


Active Member
You will get some territorial fighting at first. Should settle down in time. Regal may get ick. Quarentine beore adding. Feed w/ food soaked in garlic. Never have used this method but others sware by it.