would a water change help?


I dont know for sure, but i THINK on of my new clowns has ick..He is swimming ok, acting ok, eating, just has like one or two very small white bubble type things on him...white things...looks like ick, but doesnt. I have done african cichlids for a while...they got ick...this is just hard to tell...he swims so freaking fast...lol.. So, water change and raise the temp just a little could help...are there meds that are liverock, sand, and invert safe?


Active Member
Did you QT these fish? If they do have ich, any other fish in your tank are at risk. IMO; the only cures for ich are copper or hyposalinity. I'd suggest you post this at the disease section and search this site for help determining if it is ich.The locked threads , by Beth, that lead off the disease section, are an excellent starting point.Usually, if you think it might be ich, it is). The raising the temp idea has been around forever, all it does is speed up the life cycle of the parasite, it doesn't cure it. Neither will water changes, which should be done on schedule anyway. Please don't waste time on this, if you don't act fast; you could lose all your fish.
ps: Your cichlids are much more resistant to disease than most SWF.