Would an Eel work?


Active Member
I'm planning on upgrading to a 180, which I am getting this weekend

I'm going to be conbinding 2 tanks together and the overall starting stocklist will be:
Regal Angel
5 chromis
flame angel
harlequin tusk
yellow tail wrasse
mother blenny
dragon gobie
Might add from the second tank:
Lunare wrasse
blue damsel
small gb maroon clownfish
longnose hawkfish
Every fish is about or under 3 inches except the regal. I know the chromises and damsels will be at risk but I'm fine with that or removing them.
Is any eel compatible with these at all?
Also while im at it do you think I would be able to add a blueface or emperor angel to the stocklist?


Active Member
Depends on the eel in question. There are a lot of small fish there and a few bottom dwellers on the list as well.
So short answer first: Yes and eel will always work.
Now the long answer: No aggresive fish eaters, SFE is safe but is always a 50/50 gamble, maybe a goldentail or banana as of the 4 eels I have owned mine is the most timid eel I have had.
Blueface, Regal, Emperor, and a Flame is a LOT of Angels and not worth the risk IMO. I cold see problems arrising as they grow large and territorial.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 95Harley
Depends on the eel in question. There are a lot of small fish there and a few bottom dwellers on the list as well.
So short answer first: Yes and eel will always work.
Now the long answer: No aggresive fish eaters, SFE is safe but is always a 50/50 gamble, maybe a goldentail or banana as of the 4 eels I have owned mine is the most timid eel I have had.
Blueface, Regal, Emperor, and a Flame is a LOT of Angels and not worth the risk IMO. I cold see problems arrising as they grow large and territorial.
ok thanks. I thought that would be pushin it anyway with the angel anyway, would be choosing either blueface or emerpr btw, not both.
So I would be looking at a golden tail or a banana eel? are they the same?


Active Member
Originally Posted by runn3rb3an
ok thanks. I thought that would be pushin it anyway with the angel anyway, would be choosing either blueface or emerpr btw, not both.
So I would be looking at a golden tail or a banana eel? are they the same?

Same, just significant color and cost difference.


Active Member
The zebra moray sounds pretty cool. I'm looking for something that's not going to take up a ton of room though. How big do they get?
Also how are ribbon eels? My lfs has them in all the time in all different colors for preety cheap.
Thanks for asking about the regal. I haven't seen him eat yet but his eye looks 90% better. The only problem now is that I have a massive outbreak of ick. I was out all day and I got home about 20 min ago and I think my yellow tail wrasse is dead. It seemed like this all just happend overnight, wrasse was fine this morning too. The tusk is covered in it also. I think at this point I just am going to do a fw dip for everyone to stop the process long enough so I can get my salinity down. Ihave a 55 that's set up right now without water so I think I'm just gunna fill it up with new water tmrw, 10 gal from the dt and run a power head with all of my lr and about half of my sand in it. I think I just need to treat the whole 90. I'm gunna also turn off the sump and disconnect it from the dt and just let water circulate and take a small little canister and put my used filter floss from the fuge in it to help keep the bacteria in the filter.
Do you think that this sounds like it will work?
Thanks a lot

crypt keeper

Active Member
No sand in a qt. No rock in a qt. This tank should be set up as long as you plan on buying fish and then some in case one comes down with a disease or has a issue.
Place all fish in the 55 and qt them. Allow the 90 to run fish free for 6 weeks. ICH will die off with no host. Id run copper in the 55.


Active Member
ok thanks. The regal is eating and the yellowtail is fine btw.
My 55 isn't cycled though. Should I fill it with half of the 90's water and put the used filter floss in the canister? I'm a little worried because my canister is small.
I'm worried about the bioload on the 55 though. It wont crash from all of the fish added at once?

crypt keeper

Active Member
as it cycles throw a few pieces of shrimp in there. In the meantime lower the salinity in your 90 and start pumping your fish full of different foods and vitamins


Active Member
will the cycle be long, will the water for the 90 help?
there eating mysis, arcti pods, and angel formula soaked in vitachem every day. Once in a while a clam cube. Is this enough?
BTW are you australian? lol i thought I heard you talk with an accent in one of your videos

crypt keeper

Active Member
water wont help. your filtration pad will help faster than anything. Place some of your filter media from the 90 in the filter on the 55. This will help established the bacteria.
Try and get some selcon garlic and zoecon.
Born In Tampa. Raised in Maryland. More german than anything. 75% german 25% mutt. The mutt adds color to the skin.


Active Member
so im assuming it takes the usual couple of weeks to cycle the qt? the time is the same even with the filter media added right? ill set that up tonight. right now my salinity is pretty low like .17 i think. how low does it need to be in the qt to kill the ick. i think i want to stay away from copper.
also anybody have experience with a zebra moray that can tell me anythnig about them?
thanks a lot

crypt keeper

Active Member
zebras are like very good eels to have. They are gorgeous. Feed every few days. Not everyday. Feed enough to where you see a small bulge in the belly of the beast. QT can tank a few weeks. The media will help it cycle faster.


Active Member
haha yea thanks I used that quite a bit actually. I know it will fit in a 180 by itself but I didnt know if eels really need a lot of space or not or how many other things I would be able to keep with it. I just didnt want it severely limiting my stocklist. thanks

crypt keeper

Active Member
180 with a good sized sump and a the biggest fuge you can make with a good skimmer shouldnt have any issues with a Zebra. what are your stock list plans?


Active Member
I'm not to sure because I havent picked up a tank yet, I'm looking at a couple. Would they have any compatability problems with a niger,pinktail or bluejaw trigger? Angels? Puffers? I just want to make sure it dosent get picked on, I dont really want it becoming a species only tank.