Would and sf eel bother a sand sifter star?


Active Member
I need somebody to vacum up the fish left overs in my snowflake eel's 45 gallon tank. I have a sand sifter star in my 90 gallon...I as thinking of switching it over to the eel's tank for some clean up duty. The eel is only 6 inches now,but.....he will grow. The sand star is may 2 inches in diameter. Would this be okay? :notsure:


sandsifters do not last long in captivity because they run out of "FOOD" to eat. you are better off with some hermits. the eel wont eat them for a long time if there big enough.


Active Member
Hmmmmmmm.....I must have not read that book
I've had my star for over a year now.....course watch, it'll die now.....

So the eel shouldn't bother it, right blizz?thanks


Active Member
as much as i would like to belive it didnt happen mine attacked my sand sifter, no damage done but the star stopped moving for like 20mins then got up and "ran" away


Active Member
How big was your eel when he attacked the star? mines only 6 inches....he will grow in time though.