Would any of these benefit from additives?


I have a 10g with a few new frags. I have a birdsnest, a few zoa, some GSPs, a frogspawn and a monti. I am new to corals and am curious if anything should be done to help make these guys reach maximum health such as marinesnow or any other supplement. Also any particular signs i should be looking for in these corals that suggest health or sickness? Thanks for any tips


Regular water changes and good parameters are really all you need. If they're deep water zoanthids, they may need to be fed. You can feed the zoanthids, and frogspawn mysis shrimp or other small meaty foods. I'm not a fan of Marine Snow and really think that it's bottled garbage that just fowls water quality.
If you're new to corals, be careful with the birdsnest and the monti as these are SPS and will stress easier than the others. Watch for any turning white or algae build up.


Ya I know they are harder to keep, but I do about 3/4g WC every 4 days. The monti has started to curl on the ends already and when I bought it it was flat. The Birdsnest arms were knubs and now they look pointy. Im not sure what this means but looking at more mature specimens seems like possible growth? I dont want to add anything just wanted to make sure I didnt need to or it wouldnt help. The zoas are eagle eye and dragon eyes. I also have a few mushrooms I forgot about, would they take mysis because they have huge mouths that look hungry haha Thanks for the response btw


Those zoanthids do not need to be fed, but will sometimes accept food. The mushrooms, depends on the type, etc. Some of mine eat, some don't. I do not feed them, but occasionally they'll catch food that floats by. As for the birdnest and monti, it does sound like possible growth. If you can post pictures someone might be able to confirm that for you.



Here you can see white coming out of the fingers, the points I was referring to

Here is the monti, the left side was almost as flat as the right but is now kinda curling up

Thanks for looking, Im hoping that my tank starts to look better after a couple months, it looks so empty. Any tips of how to adjust things to better display corals would be helpful. Im used to setting rocks up soley for fish to swim around so I basically have no place for plugs ha I cant wait to get my camera back, this old Sony doesnt really take good pictures :/


The SPS does look as if it's got growth

As far as coral placement, everyone is different. Go with what appeals to you. Try searching some pictures of similar sized reef tanks, etc. Also, gluing pieces into place helps.


Thanks guys, the birdsnest has grown in fluffiness since as well. Seems like tons of polyps are growing out of the branches so I am excited. I am happy to be having some luck with my first corals.