Would any of these work in my 10 gallon?


I wanna get one of these...tell me if it would work?
1- Pink and Black Cuke
2- Red Gorgonian
3- Red ball sponge
Would these work, if not, would would be cool for a 10 gallon?


fish are the really only concern when it comes to gallon size. take a look under nano tanks section... lots of ideas there.
my 10 gallon has 15 lbs lr, 4 emerald crabs, 3 pep shrimp, 1 lettuce nudi, 1 false perc, 1 blue damsel, 1 orange spot goby, 10-12 rics, 1 frogspawn


How does your lettuce do? I would love to get one, but hear there a pain and if they die your tank will crash. I dont really have anything to suck it up...my filter, but its in a way that it wont. (I guess it could happen)


just make sure your salinity levels are high enough. I lost one at 1.025 and I increased to 1.027 and now its all good... about crashing... nah.. just keep a lookout for whats going on in your tank, which is not hard to do at all for a 10g. inverts dont really cause a spike in ammonia bc theres always something else there to eat it, providing you have other inverts.. thing is, crabs eat crabs, etc... you are not going to lose a bright green lettuce. mine is about the size of a quarter and i got it from swf.com... it was about dime size 2 months ago when i got it.