Would getting a fish and a CuC at the same time be too much?


Hello all.
So some brown is starting to form on my sand, rock, and in some places on the glass. I haven't made any effort to clean it since I'm thinking it will be food for the CuC I will be buying today. FYI, it is a 40 gallon tank and already has two small damsels in it.
My question is this, if I were to get a 3rd fish today and a CuC (which will consist of a dozen various hermits and 2-3 big snails) would that cause too much of an ammonia spike?


I'd wait for your diatoms to go away before adding anything to the tank. once the diatoms are gone that's a good indication that you are on the right path, should only be a couple weeks. add slowly, but 1 fish and a bunch of CUC prolly isn't going to hurt anything, multiple fish is usually not a good idea though.
Those diatoms will go away on thier own, don't bother trying to clean them. They will out compete each other for food and just die off