would like to add a wrasse


Active Member
Hi is me again. Sorry my computer locked up.
I am looking at either a yellow coris wrasse or a pennant fairy wrasse.
Does anyone have experiance with these in a full reef. How are they with shrimp


Active Member
No personal experience. I've read that they are safe with corals but could be a threat to shrimp and other inverts.


Active Member
My pennant fairy was my favorite fish. I had thought that he was a victim of my anemone (he was stung once, then vanished) but I moved my tank this weekend and found him

So the first obvious thing is..they jump.
As to safety with inverts, it could be that when they get large, they might take those opportunities with hermits. They ARE carnivores, so anything unfavorable that they do in terms of food shouldn't surprise us.
I have 2 cigar wrasse right now and have found out that they definitely like their hermits. There isn't much info on these particular fish and I bought them anyway, so my fault, for sure!
The pennant fairy will keep certain undesireable worm populations under control.
They are very social, very pretty and very active.


Active Member
They play havoc with crustaceons and shrimp and most anythng else thats small enough for them to harrass or eat.


Active Member
yellow coris was my favorite and oldest fish! incredible immune systema and personality - surivivor of a tank move, a tank upgrade, a hurricane and 2 ich outbreaks. very personable. mine found the perfect angle to jump out the top of my tank, slide across the lip of the tank and out the one side that was not protected by the canopy, all to escape harrasment from a mean pink square anthias.
the only invert he ever bothered was a 1/2" long peppermint shrimp that was dropped in the tank with the lights on, which was cut in half by a longnose hawk before it ever hit the ground. the wrasse ate the other half....


Originally Posted by saltn00b
yellow coris was my favorite and oldest fish! incredible immune systema and personality - surivivor of a tank move, a tank upgrade, a hurricane and 2 ich outbreaks. very personable. mine found the perfect angle to jump out the top of my tank, slide across the lip of the tank and out the one side that was not protected by the canopy, all to escape harrasment from a mean pink square anthias.
the only invert he ever bothered was a 1/2" long peppermint shrimp that was dropped in the tank with the lights on, which was cut in half by a longnose hawk before it ever hit the ground. the wrasse ate the other half....
Wow-sorry about your wrasse-hes beautiful-I also have a coris-so far he has not jumped-and hides in the sand whenever hes afraid.....but yes he does eat crustaceans......thats sand on him not ich...


Active Member
thanks, not to worried about replacing hermits. I can get them for 40 cents each. I was more woried about my cleaner shrimp. my lfs has a yellow that is about an inch and a half. i may give it a try.