Active Member
Hey, i would like to get a 180 or 210 gallon tank..i know i want a shark,ray, and eel maybe with some triggers and a lionfish..or a tang or two im not sure right now..i have a LONG time to plan it out and make everything perfect before i buy the big tank..well i think its big..hehe i know some people have like HUGE tanks but i would not be able to afford that with the things i will be putting in i have thought about hatching a baby banded cat shark..ive read they can grow 40" thats alot will it fit in those sizes..i read from a couple sites that the minimum tank size is like 125-180 are these true..if i got a big tank like this i would have it be wide, and long, rather than mainly height with no for the stingrays it seems like the easier ones are the cali stingrays..could i keep 2 of em in this size or just one?..i also read on these that the minimum tank size was a 75 gallon..isnt that a bit small? i dont know what type of eel i would that wont attack my newly hatched shark(if i decide to buy the egg) and one that wont try to eat triggers or lionfish or bigger tangs any other fish that would go good in there i would like help with any other sharks or rays that might be easier..or more compatible with my tank i would like...thank you in advance for taking the time and reading my post and helping me plan