would like to get a 180-210 agressive tank..any help?


Active Member
Hey, i would like to get a 180 or 210 gallon tank..i know i want a shark,ray, and eel maybe with some triggers and a lionfish..or a tang or two im not sure right now..i have a LONG time to plan it out and make everything perfect before i buy the big tank..well i think its big..hehe i know some people have like HUGE tanks but i would not be able to afford that with the things i will be putting in it..so i have thought about hatching a baby banded cat shark..ive read they can grow 40" thats alot will it fit in those sizes..i read from a couple sites that the minimum tank size is like 125-180 are these true..if i got a big tank like this i would have it be wide, and long, rather than mainly height with no width..as for the stingrays it seems like the easier ones are the cali stingrays..could i keep 2 of em in this size or just one?..i also read on these that the minimum tank size was a 75 gallon..isnt that a bit small? i dont know what type of eel i would want..one that wont attack my newly hatched shark(if i decide to buy the egg) and one that wont try to eat triggers or lionfish or bigger tangs any other fish that would go good in there i would like help with any other sharks or rays that might be easier..or more compatible with my tank i would like...thank you in advance for taking the time and reading my post and helping me plan


Active Member
oh yeah, i read that the shark and maybe rays would need a fine sand so they dont get scratched but i read that rock will scratch em and it would get infected and they would die...BUT they need a rock cave or 2 to hide in so umm should i go with something fake that wont scratch them..if so what? or should i go with rock and build a cave on like both sides of the tank...any help will be much appreciated


you do not want to put triggers and sharks in the same tank. The triggers will end up killing the shark. A lion fish while mostly peaceful get agressive during feeding time and may accidently bump or bite the shark and rays, so it can be done just be careful. Tangs are generally fine with sharks. If you want a eel, look at the zebra eel. They are one of the more peaceful eels. But they also like rocks and cave to hide out in. You could bury some pvc pipe under your sand bed for the eel and it wont effect having to much rock in the main tank. Look up AW2x3's post in this forum for help with that.
As you stated above, the length and width are the most important for the shark. So get the longest and widest tank you can buy. Dont forget about filtration, You will need a skimmer rated for at least 2 times the size of your tank. Sharks produce alot of waste.
As far as rock work, you will want very little in there. Just make a cave for the shark at one end of the tank. See goodwin9's post about his shark and ray tank in the fish photography section. it has just one rock cave and the rest is very fine sand.
Hope that helps a little. Any other questions please ask


Active Member
you can look up pictures of my shark.ray. eel tank and get some idead on tankmates and position for rockworkl with an eel, rays and a shark..