Originally Posted by
tailgate1979 http:///t/390179/would-like-to-have-your-opinion#post_3453738
I feed mysis shrimp frozon 1/4 of a block everyother day. My bulbs maybe 5 months old, I get my water from walmart rodi. I use instant ocean salt. I replaced all my sand 3 months ago.What do you mean rinse my food first.
I know a lot of people use it, but I don't trust Walmart RO/DI. Maybe it's because they don't offer it here so I have no reference point. I'd look into your own unit if possible, or a TDS meter at the very least.
As far as rinsing food: frozen food (all food really) contains phosphate. If you're thawing this food out in say, tank water, and then dumping in that food with the water it was thawed in, you've just introduced phosphates to your tank. I like to thaw out my food with RO water, rinse it with RO water in a fish net, then add saltwater (to mix it up) and add to tank. Some people rinse with tap water and even a cup of tank water. I always have a ton of RO water made, so to take a cup out isn't a big deal for me.
Instant Ocean salt = garbage as far as I'm concerned and could be part of your phosphate issue. Test the next batch of water before you add it to the tank.
The best ways to get rid of hair algae: find the source, increase water changes (with good water) and manual removal.
Since you already have two pencil urchins, I don't recommend the long spine or any other urchin. BTW, pencil urchins are known to eat coralline off rocks, so if that is one of your concerns, you might want to replace these guys with the long spine.
What do you currently have for a CUC besides the pencil urchins?
How often do you do water changes? How much?
Why did you and how did you replace the sand?
What is your fish stock list like?