Would like to have your opinion.



I was woundering what everyones opinion is about the best green hair alge eater? Besides a sea hair.


Well-Known Member
They are awesome...IMO, the best urchin to have and the best looking. They don't bulldoze everything in the tank and carry chunks of your coral around to be killed. However, they eat all the algae and start shedding spines, and then die. The Diadema urchin grows fast and gets huge.
If you get one, put it in a glass or hard plastic container to acclimate because it digs into the styrofoam and its a bugger to get it out. The spines are brittle and break easy...and yes, poisonous, so don't touch...plastic doctor gloves will not help.


Not until the are starving and there is no other algae to eat.
How large is you tank?
Im not a fan of using critters to control hair algae if the outbreak is bad. They just can't keep up.


Its a 75 i do have a lot of green hair alge on my rocks I have two pencial urcins in it now. Im bout to restock my clean up crew and just trying to figure out what might help control it. What do yall recomend my nitrate is 0, my phos 0.5, my bulbs are not old(VHO) they stay on for 8hrs I have even cut them back to 6hr, even turned them off for a week.


Well-Known Member
Instead of trying to find an animal to take care of the problem, why don't you deal with the source of your nitrates and phosphates? Overfeeding, using tap water, and using chemicals that contain phosphates are general causes of hair algae. Also yellow lights and lights that are out of date are common causes of hair algae. So... figure out why you are getting hair algae and then fix it.
Check out these links to help you get rid of your hair algae problem
And here's a link to help you grow some coralline algae because it seems like that is something you want to do:


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by tailgate1979 http:///t/390179/would-like-to-have-your-opinion#post_3453732
Its a 75 i do have a lot of green hair alge on my rocks I have two pencial urcins in it now. Im bout to restock my clean up crew and just trying to figure out what might help control it. What do yall recomend my nitrate is 0, my phos 0.5, my bulbs are not old(VHO) they stay on for 8hrs I have even cut them back to 6hr, even turned them off for a week.
Nitrate is low because algae is consuming it. Test kits are not reliable with a lot of algae growth. I don't recommend using livestock to control algae issues, as stated earlier and I absolutely agree with BTLDreef when she said it as well. Your phosphates are high, which leads me to believe you are either using unclean top off water or you are overfeeding your livestock or using a poor quality salt... There are other reasons to have high phosphates as well. If you feed flake food or pellet food... stop. Feed frozen foods like enriched brine or mysis shrimp and other meaty foods. Rinse before feeding.
Could you define what "Not old" bulbs are? How old are they in terms of days, months, years? What do you feed?


I feed mysis shrimp frozon 1/4 of a block everyother day. My bulbs maybe 5 months old, I get my water from walmart rodi. I use instant ocean salt. I replaced all my sand 3 months ago.What do you mean rinse my food first.


I feed mysis shrimp frozon 1/4 of a block everyother day. My bulbs maybe 5 months old, I get my water from walmart rodi. I use instant ocean salt. I replaced all my sand 3 months ago.What do you mean rinse my food first.


I feed mysis shrimp frozon 1/4 of a block everyother day. My bulbs maybe 5 months old, I get my water from walmart rodi. I use instant ocean salt. I replaced all my sand 3 months ago.What do you mean rinse my food first.


Originally Posted by tailgate1979 http:///t/390179/would-like-to-have-your-opinion#post_3453738
I feed mysis shrimp frozon 1/4 of a block everyother day. My bulbs maybe 5 months old, I get my water from walmart rodi. I use instant ocean salt. I replaced all my sand 3 months ago.What do you mean rinse my food first.
I know a lot of people use it, but I don't trust Walmart RO/DI. Maybe it's because they don't offer it here so I have no reference point. I'd look into your own unit if possible, or a TDS meter at the very least.
As far as rinsing food: frozen food (all food really) contains phosphate. If you're thawing this food out in say, tank water, and then dumping in that food with the water it was thawed in, you've just introduced phosphates to your tank. I like to thaw out my food with RO water, rinse it with RO water in a fish net, then add saltwater (to mix it up) and add to tank. Some people rinse with tap water and even a cup of tank water. I always have a ton of RO water made, so to take a cup out isn't a big deal for me.
Instant Ocean salt = garbage as far as I'm concerned and could be part of your phosphate issue. Test the next batch of water before you add it to the tank.
The best ways to get rid of hair algae: find the source, increase water changes (with good water) and manual removal.
Since you already have two pencil urchins, I don't recommend the long spine or any other urchin. BTW, pencil urchins are known to eat coralline off rocks, so if that is one of your concerns, you might want to replace these guys with the long spine.
What do you currently have for a CUC besides the pencil urchins?
How often do you do water changes? How much?
Why did you and how did you replace the sand?
What is your fish stock list like?


I had a 55gal tank that had been up and going for a year, I bought the 75 and put new sand in it. I used the water out of the 55 and added the rest with fresh rodi. I do a 15gal water change every month, but im having to top off with 3 gal of rodi every few days. My fish are coral beuity angel, dimond goby, six line wrass, royal gramma, small yellow tang. I have about 20 turbo snails and hermit crabs. I am next week ordering the 150SWF reef pack and 50 more astrea snails and a few cleaner shrimp.
I am working on building a sump for my tank I guess this would be a good time to add a alge scrubber.


Originally Posted by tailgate1979 http:///t/390179/would-like-to-have-your-opinion#post_3453743
I had a 55gal tank that had been up and going for a year, I bought the 75 and put new sand in it. I used the water out of the 55 and added the rest with fresh rodi. I do a 15gal water change every month, but im having to top off with 3 gal of rodi every few days. My fish are coral beuity angel, dimond goby, six line wrass, royal gramma, small yellow tang. I have about 20 turbo snails and hermit crabs. I am next week ordering the 150SWF reef pack and 50 more astrea snails and a few cleaner shrimp.
I am working on building a sump for my tank I guess this would be a good time to add a alge scrubber.
Bump up your water changes to help combat the hair algae. One of the best ways to get hair algae under control is numerous small water changes combined with lights off.
You definitely need a larger CUC, but don't go overboard, or they'll starve to death once the algae is under control.
A sump will definitely help. I'm not an algae scrubber person, Snake is, I prefer refugiums. Either one should help you.


I want a purple sea urchin... I heard that they move everything around though.. scared about my frags but am going to get one tomorrow. For $5, you can't beat it.